Celebrating 10 Years with a European Adventure
Celebrate 10 years of a wonderful marriage with us as we go to Europe!
Remote Work & Local Fun in Dallas
Finally got to join Nathan on a work trip and explore Dallas!
Airplanes, Oktoberfest, and All the Things in Between
Let's go to Cincinnati for the largest Oktoberfest in the United States! We also took a detour up north to see the National Museum of the Air Force.
2024 Fall Roadtrip – OH, GA, TX
Sometimes a good plan turns into a roller coaster, and you just go with the flow!
2024 Concerts – Avril Lavigne, Lindsey Sterling and Daughtry!
We decided to get our of our shells a bit and go to some concerts this year!
Birthday in Central California
Celebrating Shanda's birthday in the beautiful towns and weather in central California!
Tubing down the Salt River
A fun day in the hot Arizona sun, tubing down the Salt River!
ID/CO Summer Roadtrip
We spent our 4th of July in Idaho Falls, and snuck in a quick trip to the Colorado RenFest to see Jacque de Whipper!
Time To Get Our Nerd On!
We embraced our inner nerds and attended this years Phoenix Fan Fusion (basically Comic Con).
Camping at Mogollon Rim
We finally got to go camping again! Plus our first time at Mogollon Rim.