After years of travel and adventure (and knowing that we are just getting started!) we wanted to start documenting everything, so we can remember all the great experiences we have had throughout our life. Plus, we wanted to share these stories with anyone who is interested!
The Life and Adventures will include a variety of information including our day-to-day adventures in and around Phoenix, AZ, to traveling the world by land, sea, or air. Plus, all the tips and tricks we have learned along the way to help anyone else interesting in traveling or just enjoying what the world has to offer!
About Us
We, Nathan and Shanda, met in the small town of Idaho Falls, Idaho, where we quickly fell in love and were married in January of 2015. While our wedding guests may not have been thrilled traveling at this time, it was done very much on purpose. If you are not familiar, this is the perfect time to leave Idaho Falls, as you are right in the middle of winter, which is long and very cold. We figured that our anniversary would be the perfect reason for a trip to somewhere warm each year, and I think we were right!

Prior to meeting me, Nathan already had a taste for adventure though frequent changes from new phones, new vehicles, new jobs, and moving across multiple states including California, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, and Idaho. However, he always dreamed of visiting other countries and truly learning about and experiencing different cultures.
I did not have the same bug for constant change. I was happy to live in Idaho Falls for the rest of my life, though I had traveled internationally before Nathan had, thanks to family vacations. My family took our first cruise to Grand Cayman, Jamaica, and Cozumel on Carnival and immediately fell in love with cruising and all it has to offer.
Once we were married, I convinced Nathan that a cruise would be the prefect honeymoon. I don’t think we were onboard for more than a day before he fell in love with it as well, and now cruising is one of our favorite ways to travel!

In addition to cruising, Nathan loves to drive. It doesn’t matter where or how long; he is happy to do it, and I think I am a pretty good co-pilot with snacks and audiobooks at the ready. So, many of our adventures have been driving across the western states to see neighboring cities, camping, or simply to get out of the house for an afternoon.
It’s crazy to look back over the last 10+ years and try to count how many trips and adventures we have been on, but it’s just not possible, and I can’t think of a better problem to have. Plus, we know that this is still just the beginning! We still have 40+ years to see what the world has to offer, and our stories will only continue to grow as our plan is to travel full time as soon as we can.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures!